Here are some of my personal projects.
馃 BlueSky TTRPG Feed 路 2023-present (MIT Licensed)
A complete feed of Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, Critical Role, and all other TTRPG posts for BlueSky. Check it out here.
mkdocs-live-edit-plugin 路 路 2023-present (MIT)
An MkDocs plugin that allows editing pages directly from the browser.
馃實 路 2023 (MIT) is a simple in-browser app that allows quick creation of ZIP files on desktop and mobile. Written in a weekend to learn Mantine.
mkdocs-alias-plugin 路 路 2022-present (MIT)
An MkDocs plugin allowing links to your pages using a custom alias such as [[my-alias]]
or [[my-alias|My Title]]
mkdocs-categories-plugin 路 路 2022-present (MIT)
An MkDocs plugin allowing for categorization of pages in your wiki. This plugin allows for multiple categories per page and will generate a category index page with links to each page within the category.
馃實 Bhreia 路 2021-present (unlicensed)
Bhreia is a fantasy setting for TTRPG games that I use in campaigns and one-shots.
lowpoly_bot 路 2017-2019 (MIT)
A deactivated Twitter bot that responded to anything posted to the #lowpoly hashtag, retweeting and following anyone that posted to it. Includes support for filtering out spammers, written in Python 3 with a SQLite database backend (included). 路 2019 (MIT)
A toy ray tracer written in Rust as a learning exercise.
Sort Hangouts Google Chrome Extension 路 2018 (MIT)
A Google Chrome Extension to sort the Google Hangouts tab in GMail by status.
A backup of, which used to host a Wiki detailing the world in which my homebrew D&D game was set. The site no longer exists, but its contents were saved onto GitHub.
dotfiles 路 2018 - present (MIT)
I like being able to get up and running quickly after installing my OS, so I keep my dotfiles version controlled.
Atom Line-Breaker Package 路 2015 - 2018 (MIT)
I often had the need to break lines by my preferred line boundary settings and had no way of doing so using Atom. So, I wrote a package to do so.
Ishin Ruby Gem 路 2015 (MIT)
Converts Ruby objects to hash representations.
lib-semver 路 2014 (MIT)
Semantic versioning library written in C.
domain-scrape 路 2014 (MIT)
A web content scraper written in Python. 路 2010 - 2014 (CC BY-SA 4.0)
A free OpenGL programming tutorial in online book format covering the (at the time) new OpenGL 4.0 specifications.