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If you’re not familiar with the PImpl (private implementation) idiom, read this Wikipedia article first. While this is more or less “syntactic sugar” since the templates are expanded during compilation, but I think it makes for cleaner looking code.

Classic PImpl

Usually, while forward declaring the pimpl struct or class, we do something like this:

class MyClass
  struct Implementation;
  MyClass::Implementation* pimpl;


  void DoAllTheThings();

And the following definition:

#include "MyClass.h"

struct MyClass::Implementation
  int foo;
  int bar;


There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, but consider the following reusable template:

template<typename T>
struct PImpl
  struct Implementation;
  Implementation* pimpl;

And the following implementation of the template:

#include "PImpl.h"

class MyClass :
  public PImpl<MyClass>

  void DoAllTheThings();

And the following source file definition:

#include "MyClass.h"

struct PImpl<MyClass>::Implementation
  int foo;
  int bar;

There is no forward declaration of the struct in MyClass, only public inheritance of Pimpl<T> and the implementation in the source file is nearly identical.