less than 1 minute read

It’s been a while since I posted but this one will make up for it. A messy screenshot of NVIDIA’s 2008 timeline has emerged on Chilehardware (CHW) and reveals that OpenGL 3.0 drivers/implementation will be due in September of this year in a collection called Big Bang II (Big Bang I was SLI).

CHW member KaiserGerhardI has provided a deciphering of the screenshot which provides more information on the contents of the screenshot:

  • First: Quad ?????? Release February
  • Hybrid Shipped Spring
  • Spring Notebook Cycle
  • GT200 + ????
  • Big Bang II-Fall Will Focus on
    • Now/WWW features
    • SLI connectivity features
    • Display connectivity
    • Quality improvements
    • Performance improvements
    • OpenGL 3.0

The words which could not be deciphered are marked with question marks. What this means for OpenGL enthusiasts and developers is that we won’t have to attend SIGGRAPH, NVISION or any other meeting for that matter, since this is basically a confirmation on its own.

Now, let’s hope that ATI will also provide an implementation this soon.